SCI 228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab

SCI 228 All Weeks All Quizzes | All Versions
Week 1 to Week 7: All Quizzes Questions and Answers - Versions 1 & 2 SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz | Version 1 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz | Version 2 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz | Version 1 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz | Version 2 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz | Version 1 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz | Version 2 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz | Version 1 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz | Version 2 -- $14.00 SCI 228 Week 6 Quiz | Version 1 -- $1..
SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: Which of the following is not an essential nutrients Question 2: (CO1)___are strongly accepted principles supported by many hypotheses that have been collectively confirmed through repeated research. Question 3: (CO 1) Aim for fitness, build a healthy base, and choose sensibly are general directives of Question 4: (CO 1) Jane consumed a breakfast that contained 85 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of protein, and 18 grams of fat. How many ki..
SCI 228 Week 1 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 1) Which of the following is an example of disease that is directly … by a nutritional deficiency? Question 2: (CO 1) Vitamin C and the B vitamins are termed Question 3: (CO 1) Reduced rates of hypertension is the central objective of the Question 4: (CO 1) Which of the following is not a primary function of dietary protein? Question 5: (CO 1) What is the primary cause of peptic ulcers?..
SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: (CO 2) The term complex carbohydrates refers to Question 2: (CO 2) Which of the following carbohydrates is the end product of photosynthesis? Question 3: (CO 2) A disaccharide is formed by the chemical bonding of Question 4: (CO 2) Which of the following hormones is released when your blood glucose levels fall too low? Question 5: (CO 2) After a meal, which hormone is responsible for moving glucose into the body's cells? Question 6: (CO 2) Gluc..
SCI 228 Week 2 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 2) Which of the following is a disaccharide? Question 2: (CO 2) Which of the following carbohydrates is the end product of photosynthesis? Question 3: (CO 2) When fructose and glucose are bonded together, they form Question 4: (CO 2) How many grams of carbohydrates (per day) are recommended to prevent ketosis in healthy individuals (RDA)? Question 5: (CO 2) Sugar alcohols are most often used in which of the following products? Question 6: (CO 2)..
SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: (CO 3) What is the primary form of lipid in the diet? Question 2: (CO 3) Triglycerides are classified by Question 3: (CO 3) During the process of protein synthesis, is the step in which messenger RNA is decoded into an amino acid sequence at the cell’s Question 4: (CO 3) The process through which mRNA copies genetic information from DNA and carries it to the ribosome is called Question 5: (CO 3) Which of the following protei..
SCI 228 Week 3 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 3) Which of the following is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids? Question 2: (CO 3) Which of the following foods are rich sources of saturated fatty acids? Question 3: (CO 3) The specific function of a protein is by Question 4: (CO 3) The process through which mRNA copies genetic information from DNA and it to the ribosome is Question 5: (CO 3) The absorption of proteins occurs in the Question 6: (CO 3) Wh..
SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: (CO 5) What is an exchange reaction? Question 2: (CO 5) How do antioxidant vitamins stabilize free radicals? Question 3: (CO 5) Which of the following foods are the richest sources of Vitamin E? Question 4: (CO 5) Which of the following nutrients requires the most frequent consumption to assure adequate body stores? Question 5: (CO 5) The most critical role that Vitamin A plays in the human body is Question 6: (CO 5) Wh..
SCI 228 Week 5 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 5) Which of the following are … components of antioxidant enzyme systems? Question 2: (CO 5) The gaining of electrons by an atom during metabolism is called Question 3: (CO 5) Which of the following food preparation methods would be the least likely to destroy Vitamin E? Question 4: (CO 5) Diseases that cause the malabsorption of fat can result in a deficiency of Question 5: (CO 5) Which of the following a..
SCI 228 Week 6 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: (CO 6) All of the following are considered weight-bearing activities except Question 2: (CO 6) What percentage of our body fat level is influenced by genetics? Question 3: (CO 6) Foods with the highest satiety value are high in Question 4: (CO 6) Rachel is a gymnast who trains 2 hours per day on average. She supports her daily activity by consuming 2,500 kilocalories per day. How many kilocalories should she be consuming from car..
SCI 228 Week 6 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 6) The maximal heart rate for a 30-year-old individual would … Question 2: (CO 6) The primary energy source for aerobic activities is Question 3: (CO 6) Foods with the highest satiety value are high in Question 4: (CO 6) In which of the following events would carbohydrate loading be the most beneficial? Question 5: (CO 6) What are the standard criteria used for … an eating disorder? Question 6: (CO 6) Impu..
SCI 228 Week 7 Quiz | Version 1
Questions and Answers - Version-1 Question 1: (CO 7) The inner portion of the zygote that implants in the uterine lining is called the Question 2: (CO 7) Recommended weight gain during pregnancy is … on the Question 3: (CO 7) Which of the following fatty acids is critical to fetal brain and eye development? Question 4: (CO 7) The absorption of calcium increases during pregnancy because Question 5: (CO 7) All of the following are … with gestational diabetes&nbs..
SCI 228 Week 7 Quiz | Version 2
Questions and Answers - Version-2 Question 1: (CO 7) Inadequate intakes of during pregnancy are … with neural tube defects in the fetus. Question 2: (CO 7) In which trimester of pregnancy is the fetus the most vulnerable to teratogens? Question 3: (CO 7) At what point during pregnancy is adequate folate the most important? Question 4: (CO 7) Which statement is false regarding zinc during pregnancy? Question 5: (CO 7) Which of the following hormo..
SCI 228 Week 1 Discussion | The Digestive System
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible.Research is demonstrating how our gut bacteria influences our body weight, risk for chronic diseases, and even our mood. Find an article from a reputable source discussing current research in this area. Please give a brief summary, how it relates to our class and your own health. Remember to include the URL in your posting...
SCI 228 Week 2 Discussion | Nutrition and Physical Activity
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. For discussions, create a 1- to 2-minute multimedia piece (for example, a video, poster, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) of your choosing and post it to the discussion to respond to the below questions. Besides posting your individual multimedia piece, you must comment on two other students' multimedia pieces. (You are not required to record your comments, but can choose to use the text comment feature.) Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: "Why..
SCI 228 Week 3 Discussion | Lipids
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. Please find a nutrition facts label on a food package in your home and report the following. Name of the food Total fat grams Saturated fat grams Unsaturated fat grams Trans-fat grams Do you think this food is a healthy choice with respect to the amounts and types of fats? If not, is there a healthier food that you could substitute? Please explain. Then, find another student's post to peer review. What do you think of their analysis? Would you ..
SCI 228 Week 4 Discussion | Fluid and Electrolytes
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. For our discussion, either create a 1- to 2-minute multimedia piece (for example, a video, poster, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) or a detailed, referenced post. Besides posting your individual multimedia piece, you must comment on two other students' multimedia pieces. (You are not required to record your comments, but can choose to use the text comment feature.) Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: "What would happen if we didn't drink water?"..
SCI 228 Week 5 Discussion | Vitamins: To Take or Not to Take
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. Check out this TedEd Animation lesson: "How do vitamins work?" (Links to an external site.) Then, choose one of your favorite nutrient-dense whole foods (maybe baby kale, carrots, or mangoes) and discuss the vitamins and minerals that it is a good source of. (For instance, a serving of baby kale provides about 680% of your daily Vitamin K needs.) How do these vitamins and minerals help you stay healthy? In other words, what are their roles in the..
SCI 228 Week 6 Discussion | What Is A Healthy Body Weight
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. What are the struggles with regard to a healthy body weight? For our discussion, create either a 1 to 2 minute multimedia piece (for example, a video, poster, narrated PowerPoint, etc.) or a detailed, referenced post. In addition to your initial, researched posting please comment on 2 other students' postings (you are not required to record your comments, but can choose to use the text comment feature)...
SCI 228 Week 7 Discussion | Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible. What nutrients are important during various lifecycle stages?..
SCI 228 Week 1 Lab | MyPlate Plan
Deliverables Create your own MyPlate page. Start at the website (Links to an external site.). Go to Online Tools, and then MyPlan. Complete your plan, and then submit a screenshot to our Week 1 iLab...
SCI 228 Week 2 Lab | Carbohydrates | High Fructose Corn Syrup | Stevia | Sugar
The Use of Sweeteners and the Rise in Obesity The week 2 iLab will challenge you as it has to do with sweeteners and obesity. Current research has shown that there may be a relationship between the consumption of sweeteners and the rise in obesity so, this will be an opportunity to examine that facts and develop an position. Scenario/Summary: Please select one of the following sweeteners: Sugar (sucrose) Fructose High Fructose Corn Syrup Stevia Equal Splenda Ace K ..
SCI 228 Week 5 Lab | Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient
Week 5 Lab: Water - An Overlooked Essential Nutrient..
SCI 228 Week 6 Lab | Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Week 6 Lab: Maintaining a Healthy Weight Define BMI-You must define BMI and not just as a general definition indicating its relationship to height and weight. Please also do not forget to define the actual term BMI! Calculate BMI-Many students use an automated calculator to complete this part of the assignment. I will deduct points if I do not see the actual math calculations. Please include all stages of the math calculations associated with determining your BMI. There are three sections to th..
SCI 228 Week 7 Lab | Topic 1: First Year of Infants Life | Topic 2: Toddler
Scenario/Summary Students will select one lifecycle. Once a lifecycle has been selected, you will do the following three things. Describe the lifecycle and the age to be in that lifecycle. Describe nutritional challenges associated with that particular lifecycle. Develop a diet specifically tailored to that stage of life (make sure to include all of the macronutrients [percentages of carbs, fats, and protein]), and explain the rationale. Do not forget to discuss specific nutrients that..