Topic 1 DQ 1: 6 Responses
Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your capstone project change proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.
Topic 1 DQ 2: 4 Responses
The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might..
Topic 2 DQ 1: 6 Responses
During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the organization is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing.
Topic 2 DQ 2: 6 Responses
What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue...
Topic 3 DQ 1: 6 Responses
Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.
Topic 3 DQ 2: 6 Responses
Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods...