Consider the ethical dilemma given below.Compose a
2-page paper, accompanied by a 2-minute narrated slide presentation that
describes a particular moral-ethical dilemma that you encountered and what the
outcome of that dilemma was. Did you solve the dilemma? If so, how? If not,
what were the repercussions or consequences? What would you do differently if
faced with the same problem today? What is the importance of good ethics? Why
should we be concerned about our actions?Regard the
questions as ..
Collaborate with your team, using Cisco Spark, email, phone
meetings, or any collaboration tool you find useful or prefer. In your
collaboration, consider the ethical dilemmas below and select 1 in which to
conduct a deep drill.Ethical Dilemma 1: A newspaper columnist signs a
contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later, she is offered a
position with another newspaper chain, offering a higher salary. Because she
would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is b..
these three problems. In writing a paper about all three of them individually,
identify the consequences of the actions taken, and then determine whether the
actions taken represented a greater good, who would benefit from the good, and
whether the consequences ethically justify the decisions and actions.Problem
1: The Mayor
of a large city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people
who have received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from
Using academic scholarly research, find an article that
addresses an ethical dilemma from the past five years and annotate it
thoroughly. What are the key points to the article? Summarize the dilemma. What
are the key terms of the article? What conflicts or controversies does it
raise? Where can you offer analysis or an original point of view? Once you have
a handle on the article and your reaction to the issues it raises, use it as a
foundation to
1. Create your own 2-4 paragraph “dilemm..
Academic Scholarship PresentationUsing academic scholarly research, find an article that addresses an ethical dilemma from the past five years and annotate it thoroughly. What are the key points to the article? Summarize the dilemma. What are the key terms of the article? What conflicts or controversies does it raise? Where can you offer analysis or an original point of view? Work with a partner to share this assignment collaboratively and create a combined oral presenta..
You Decide:
Ethical Decision Making
SummaryOne of the great ongoing situations that calls for
ethical decision making is the reality that there is almost always a greater
need for something than there is a supply to meet the need.For our assignment and scenario, the demand is the
life-and-death situation of the need for transplantable organs and the rather
small and transitory supply. Hard decisions need to be made, and there is
little time to think things through. Thes..
Reflective Assignment Based on Ethical Memoir You began this session considering a moral-ethical dilemma
you yourself faced that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully
learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what
ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held.
Now that you’ve had an opportunity to explore ethics
formally, create a reflective assessment. Revisit your ethical memoir: what
ethical theory best applies to your experienc..